How to Get New or Prospective Families Excited About Tap Class - Part 1

Question: How can we help students to understand how valuable, how awesome, how FUN Tap dance can be?? 🤔 🧐 💡

Short answer: We tell them & we show them!


This article will focus largely on what we say. (What we SHOW/DO is a whole ‘nother big topic.)


So…What EXACTLY do we tell them? 



Imagine that 5-year-old Jalen and his mother Jackie have come to your Open House and said that the kid wants to do Hip-Hop. 

You offer a combo class that is ½ Hip Hop & ½ Tap, but Jackie isn’t sure that Jalen will like the Tap part of the class.


How can you get them excited about Tap dance? 


Let’s play out a couple of scenarios.



You say: 

“In Tap class, Jalen will get to make noise/sounds/rhythms with his feet! Lots of fun!” 


OK. 🤷🏾‍♀️ This is true…but what real value or benefit does this actually convey?  Does this tell Jackie something that she didn’t know about Tap dance? Does this intrigue Jackie, who is the final decision-maker in this situation?


Reality is: This statement leaves a LOT of blanks. 


And if we leave those blanks hanging out there,

and don’t share the WHYs or DEEPER BENEFITS of what we offer as Tap Dance educators,

students/families are more likely to miss out on the value of what you’re offering. 



Now, imagine if, beyond stating that basic fact from Scenario One, you added more to it, and shared some deeper benefits of Tap Dance training? 


"Ya know Jackie, many parents don't know this, but let me give you some inside scoop on why Tap dance would be so great not only for Jalen's dance training, but his overall child development."


Then, you get into some cool facts.

As examples, here are a few fun facts that are included in my FREE Tap Benefits Poster that you may want to keep in your head and share early and often.


These facts specifically convey important benefits around THE POWER OF RHYTHM.


#1 - Tap Dance Improves Language Skills. Tap Class requires listening skills to understand rhythm patterns. These rhythmic listening skills can positively impact the development of language and reasoning!


#2 - Tap Dance Training Enhances Brain Development. Because of the combined features of counting, music & movement, Tap Dance engages many parts of the brain and helps to improve its capacity for learning.


#3 - Tap Dance Improves Gross Motor Skills. Percussion instruments (like Tap shoes!) help children develop coordination and gross motor skills; the combination of movement, sound and music is great for high-energy kids


#4 - Tap Dance Helps to Improve Study in Other Dance Styles. The musicality practiced in Tap Dance is used greatly in other dance styles such as Hip-Hop, Contemporary, Jazz, and even the quick & rhythmic footwork of Petit Allegro in Ballet!


(Want the FREE “Benefits of Tap Dance” poster? Click here to grab it today!)


Now…Imagine the kinds of interest/intrigue you create in Jackie when you share THESE benefits of Tap Dance study with her!!! 


How might a student or parent's perspective on Tap Dance be expanded if we share THIS kind of information with them in a proactive way...


💥 At the open house? 


💥 On the website? 


💥 On our social media platforms? 

I’ve seen parents and students get much more excited about starting Tap Dance training when we share more exciting information about it. I know this all probably seems obvious, but I’m sure you know how many times teachers find themselves frustrated with students or families who “just don’t appreciate Tap”


Now, let me put this to you in an even stronger way:


If they’re coming to YOU for lessons,

don’t expect the students/parents to be spontaneously inspired to take the time & energy

to go to GOOGLE to learn more about Tap Dance, its history, or its benefits. 


Be their "go-to"! ❤️  Be the person they can connect with and learn from! ❤️


If given to them, our students and their families would greatly appreciate this kind of information and the assurance that it gives, to know that they’re studying something so great & beneficial, and that they’re in knowledgeable and capable hands with YOU as their teacher! 


The ability to articulate the value of what we teach can be as valuable as what we teach…so let’s go! 


Need help articulating the benefits of Tap Dance to your current or prospective Tap students? Grab this poster, print and frame it, post it on social, and share in conversation!!



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