Repetition Pt 2 [VIDEO]: 1 Word Can Change EVERYTHING for Your Tap Class Reps!

Stop making this crucial mistake, by using this ONE WORD that can take our Tap students from reluctant to resilient. Check out this week's "vlog" to find out what that word is.

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Tap Class Confusion or Complaints? Stop Them BEFORE they Start!


August 10, 2022


Zoom in on this post screen shot...


There are just waaaaaay too many stories like this one, aren't there? ‍

This is a story fresh from the community of Tap teachers I’m working with inside my Tap Teachers’ Lounge online training program



"L "is a new Tap teacher at this studio.

She has inherited students with ineffective Tap technique, so she is focusing on rhythm & rudiment fundamentals, as we are in the Lounge.  

And within a few weeks of the start of the season, here is a very negative response. It’s only one parent, but you know how loud that small minority of negative responses can be. 



Now, sometimes in dance teacher groups we might advise that, at this point, it’s simplest to maintain our boundaries by showing this parent the door. (I don’t know this parent, so...

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