Inheriting New Tap Students, Part 2: Setting a New Tone


In your Tap class, are you telling your Tap students what’s “right” and what’s “wrong”? 

If you are…are you absolutely sure that YOU’RE correct?

Is “right/wrong” the ideal way to keep your students clear on the standards of Tap, and open to new ideas and approaches? 


As you consider ways to support students who are struggling to get used to the way you teach,


I want you to consider a wider range of vocabulary, beyond “right/wrong”, as you introduce new things, so that when that new student is stuck on “their” way of doing things, you have more language you can use that can validate their past experience, while also opening them up to the new approach you're offering. 

Here’s what I mean.


“Right/Wrong” vs “Effective/Ineffective” vs “Common/Uncommon”

Inside my training program The Tap Teachers’ Lounge:...

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"Inheriting" New Tap Students with Questionable 👀 Habits - PART ONE

You got new Tap students…yay!!

But right away you realize that they have some habits from their past teacher(s) that you find questionable or problematic. Tight ankles, wonky rhythms, straight legs…oh my!


This can happen within a studio/program with multiple Tap teachers and their individual approaches, when you start teaching at a new studio, or it can happen when students join your program after studying elsewhere.


No matter which way, this can feel like quite the pickle, right?

The situation can get even more awkward if the students insist on their way over yours.

Arms folded. Confused faces. Awkward silence. Yikes.

I know I’ve been stumped by this in the past. 


A few things that I encourage fellow Tap Teachers to do are 

  1. Frame “new training” from the beginning,
  2. Show respect for the students’ past experiences no matter what they are, and
  3. Avoid leaving too much time for “debate”. Count...
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Who's an Adv Tap Student? Who's Intermediate? What's the Difference?

We've all gotten these Qs. NOW, be prepared to anticipate & answer with clarity & confidence that truly supports your students!!

(looking for online tap teacher training? click here for info

Instead of feeling caught off-guard or anxiously dreading the questions (like I used to), start the season off with proactive communication about your Tap program’s class levels, standards & goals!

Answer the questions before they're even asked! Be the "go-to" guide for your awesome Tap students and their families by providing the clarity they want and deserve. 

Need help putting your thoughts together?

This video is for you (captions available if you want to watch on mute).

 (looking for online tap teacher training? click here for info

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Tap Class Confusion or Complaints? Stop Them BEFORE they Start!


August 10, 2022


Zoom in on this post screen shot...


There are just waaaaaay too many stories like this one, aren't there? ‍

This is a story fresh from the community of Tap teachers I’m working with inside my Tap Teachers’ Lounge online training program



"L "is a new Tap teacher at this studio.

She has inherited students with ineffective Tap technique, so she is focusing on rhythm & rudiment fundamentals, as we are in the Lounge.  

And within a few weeks of the start of the season, here is a very negative response. It’s only one parent, but you know how loud that small minority of negative responses can be. 



Now, sometimes in dance teacher groups we might advise that, at this point, it’s simplest to maintain our boundaries by showing this parent the door. (I don’t know this parent, so...

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